A Few Words


Heather Haigh









What was the inspiration, or the seed, for this piece?

A photograph of a huge cardboard construction one of my children made from cereal boxes, loo roll tubes and copious amounts of glue and glitter. It evoked memories of the general chaos of having small children and glitter in the house. Not quite CNF but laced with the general feel of those times.

Writers always get asked how they got into writing; but instead, what is it that keeps you writing?

As a chronic illness sufferer, the joy of writing is the thing that gets me out of bed or occupies my thoughts when I can't get up. Add to that the wonderful people I have met through writing.

How do you feel about blurring the lines between fact and fiction in writing?

I wouldn't want to mislead readers into believing something fictitious was a real account of anything, nor to cause harm to anyone by using them or their stories in my fiction, but if the truths are mine or are common human experiences then I think it's fine to mix the two within my work.

Earth just got invaded! Which book will make our alien overlords change their minds?

The Ikea Pax Wardrobe instruction manual.

You can read Heather Haigh’s piece, The Proper Management of Homework, Glitter, and Wet Wipes, here.

The Proper Management of Homework, Glitter, and Wet Wipes appeared in The Mersey Review 1 (Winter 2023)

Heather is a sight-impaired spoonie and emerging working-class writer from Yorkshire. Her work has been published by: Reflex Press, Pure Slush, Mono, A Coup of Owls and others. Her writing has been nominated for Best of the Net.

Heather Haigh author photo